Mateusz Biernat founded the Human Foundation in 2015 to support all those who, like him in the past, are struggling to return to society after experiencing a mental crisis.
The Human Foundation is an organization whose goal is to work on behalf of people who are excluded and stigmatized due to „mental illness.” In particular, we want to reach out to people who are endowed with enormous inner potential, who unfortunately are perceived by most of society through the prism of false stereotypes and are treated as sick people (implicitly dangerous, aggressive) rather than recovering. The idea of the Foundation is to help them, and thus, increase their chances of returning to an active and dignified life in society – to perform social roles, study or work.
Changing the way people perceive and think about people after mental crises is a long process, requiring conscious decisions and actions, and joining forces – without this, it is difficult to expect that anything will change. People experiencing a crisis, feeling rejected, excluded and often ridiculed, lose the motivation to change their lives and stop developing their inner potential, so the Foundation’s mission is to enable these people to develop themselves.
– Promoting the development of an informed and conscious society.
– Formation and development of cultural, scientific and health consciousness of society.
– Promoting healthy lifestyles, nutrition, mental hygiene.
– Initiating, developing and strengthening attitudes aimed at full participation of people with disabilities, people with illnesses, the elderly and people at risk of social exclusion in society, from daily life, through learning and professional and social activation, to access to the goods of science, culture and art.
– Information, educational activities, expanding knowledge in society about social integration and reintegration (including the elderly, the disabled, the sick and those at risk of exclusion), spreading knowledge about salutogenesis.
– Disseminating knowledge about the causes of disability, knowledge about diseases, primarily those caused by civilization and social changes, information about the possibilities and ways to prevent them.
– Creation of a nationwide support network
An inspiring interview with Mateusz Biernat on the Mental Health Europe website: